Monday, May 9, 2011

Runny Noses and Sleepovers

So I'm a day late, but I usually make a point not to blog on the weekends, so I'd like to say Happy Mother's Day to all the awesome mamas out there. I hope everyone had a great day.

Yesterday was an interesting day. Ethan had this whole sweet day planned out for me, which started off with homemade waffles from my new waffle maker (Aiden's gift) in bed. Then I was told to take a shower and do my hair and fully pamper myself. I had no idea what he had planned, but it was nice to be able to take 3 hours to get ready just because I wanted.

Ethan told me that we were going to go get professional family pictures done, something I've been wanting to do since Aiden was born, which explained why he took me shopping on Friday for a new dressy outfit.

All the week Aiden has been sick on and off, and apparently he started feeling a lot worse while I was getting ready. He was coughing and started running a low fever again, so Ethan and I decided that it wouldn't be such a good idea to take the Monster to do pictures or anything because we didn't want him to get someone else sick.

So what did we do instead? I asked Ethan to bring our mattress into the living room and the three of us piled on the bed and watched movies all day. Then Ethan made a spectacular dinner of crab legs, snap peas, mashed potatoes and garlic cheese biscuits. Oh man do I love a man who can cook!

Because Aiden wasn't feeling so hot, he had trouble falling asleep last night. So this cool mama decided that we would have a family sleepover in the living room. We all got in our pjs, grabbed our pillows, and cuddled up together to watch movies until everyone fell asleep. It was such a fun night. It brought me back to when I was little and my parents did the same thing with me and my brother.

Aiden was so excited that we were all together and that he wasn't in his room. He kept whispering and giggling to himself. It just made me smile. As frustrating as he can be at times, I love the age he's at right now. He finds such wonder in everyday things that we would consider minor. It's so interesting to see the world through his eyes.

I love that little boy so much. I wouldn't trade being his Mama ever. I can't imagine my life without him.

*Also don't forget to enter my giveaway. It ends Thursday at midnight!*

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